Diversity on Wikipedia

Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, like Wikimedia Commons and wikidata, are some of the world's most read and used websites for the free sharing of knowledge. The Wikimedia projects are made from contributions by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Are you amongst those of us who feel that knowledge should be shared and be freely available for everyone? If you are, you have found like-minded people who are doing something about it! Wikimedia Norge is an advocacy organization working to make knowledge free and available for everybody through supporting Wikimedia contributors, working with institutions and holding courses.
However, there are several groups who are underrepresented amongst the contributors, and therefore these groups' knowledge and perspectives are missing. Wikimedia Norge is working to reduce this imbalance. We do this using editathons and writing contests, bringing up the issues in social media and by collaborating with institutions that also focus on these issues. Please get in touch with us if you have ideas for collaborations about increased diversity amongst the Wikimedia contributors, or about more diversity in the Wikimedia projects' content.