Resolution Wikimedia Chapters Association

This is user:kjetil_r's translation of Årsmøte 2012/Wikimedia Chapters Association, a resolution passed at the Wikimedia Norway 2012 general assembly.
Resolution regarding the Wikimedia Chapters Association
1) Wikimedia Norway (WMNO) hereby joins the Wikimedia Chapters Association (WCA), and the Wikimedia Norway general assembly accepts the rights and obligations arising from the membership (cf. the WCA charter section D, art. 2)
2) The general assembly authorizes the board of Wikimedia Norway to appoint a person to represent WMNO in the WCA Council, and to replace this person if needed (cf. the WCA charter section B, art. 3)
3) The general assembly authorizes the board of Wikimedia Norway to withdraw from the Wikimedia Chapters Association if the board considers that membership is no longer in the best interest of WMNO.