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Wikistipend/Diversity Conference 2017

Fra Wikimedia Norge

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Travel stipend for Wikimedia Diversity Conference
Request for a travel stipend to attend the Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden.


  • 3. november 2017


  • 5. november 2017


  • 8000 NKR to be applied towards my roundtrip airfare from Cochabamba, Bolivia to Stockholm, Sweden

opprettet 19. september 2017


I would like to attend the Diversity Conference 2017 to share our experiences with facilitating greater participation of Latin American indigenous communities in the Wikimedia movement, especially as it relates to participation in their own languages. I would also like to connect with diversity leaders within the movement to learn about other strategies and experiences to apply them.


Currently, I am a part of efforts to facilitate greater participation by Latin American indigenous communities in the Wikimedia movement. This includes participation by these communities in producing knowledge in their native languages primarily in Wikipedia and Wiktionary. There are four official Wikipedia projects in these Latin American indigenous languages, including Quechua, Aymara, Guaraní, and Náhuatl. An additional 30+ languages have some representation in the Wikipedia incubator, but varying levels of activity and organization.

We have wrapped up a mapping research project [1] funded by a Wikimedia Project Grant that documented and analyzed the current state of these projects to identify key stakeholders involved in creating and sustaining these projects, as well as the ongoing challenges and opportunities for these projects. I presented these findings at the recent Wikimania 2017 conference in Montreal. [2]

While we are interested in the issue of the availability of knowledge in a diversity of languages, we are also exploring ways that indigenous communities can better contribute towards the creation of knowledge in the region's more widely-read version of Spanish.

The next steps of our work in the movement is to help convene a Wikimedia User Group that supports native-speaking editors to play a more active role in the movement, and to provide spaces where they can help support other communities interested in taking part in the Wikimedia movement.