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Guidelines for the audit committee of Wikimedia Norge

Fra Wikimedia Norge
Denne siden er en oversatt versjon av siden Retningslinjer for kontrollkomiteen i Wikimedia Norge og oversettelsen er 80 % ferdig.

The task of the audit committee is to control that the organization works by the letter and spirit of the bylaws, that the general assembly's decisions are fulfilled, that the organization follows proper business procedures, handling conflicts of interests and making sure elections are done in a democratic and proper fashion. The audit committee shall give a separate report at each ordinary general assembly about its work and about how the organization has been conducted since the previous general assembly.

The audit committee consists of at least 2 members. The members of the audit committee are elected at the ordinary general assembly. If needed, more members can be elected to the committee in between general assemblies if a candidate suggested by the electoral committee is accepted by the board and by the audit committee. Audit committee meetings will be called if one of the committee's members, the Executie Director or the Board demands it. The audit committee will only make resolutions when all of the committee's members have had the opportunity to give their remarks.

The audit committee's members have the right to attend mettings in all of the organization's bodies. The committee's members only have the right to speak in matters pertaining to their area of work, hereunder bylaws, guidelines and rules, organizational matters, previous resolutions and formalities. The audit committe can demand the delivery of protocols, lists of members and other relevant documents from all parts of the organization. The audit committee's members have a duty of confidentiality in all matters. The audit committee can also call for meetings in the electoral committee or the board if there is a matter it wishes to address. The audit committee's calls for mettings must follow the deadlines set by the bylaws for the relevant body.

Opphører vervet for et medlem av kontrollkomiteen før tjenestetiden er ute, skal styret straks kunngjøre dette for medlemmene på en hensiktsmessig måte. Styret skal dersom det finner det påkrevet, innkalle til ekstraordinært årsmøte for suppleringsvalg.