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Guidelines for the electoral committee of Wikimedia Norge

Fra Wikimedia Norge
Denne siden er en oversatt versjon av siden Retningslinjer for valgkomiteen i Wikimedia Norge og oversettelsen er 80 % ferdig.

An electoral committee shall between each ordinary general assembly consider possible candidates for positions in the organization and present its suggestion and rationale to the general assembly when required. The committee consists of members elected by the general assembly. The electoral committee has a general confidentiality. The incumbent board will give recommendations for candidates for the committee to the general assembly.

It is the electoral committee's responsibility that all members of the board get a message in writing about whether or not they are up for election. Recommended candidates for the board and for the audit committee shall be notified about the recommendations by the electoral committee before the recommendations are made public.

The electoral committee is responsible to make suggestions for candidates for all open positions, except for the electoral committee itself.

Det sittende styret avgir innstilling til årsmøtet for valg av denne komiteen. Dersom et medlem går ut av valgkomiteen, får styret fullmakt til å supplere valgkomiteen.