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Fra Wikimedia Norge
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Wikigrants from Wikimedia Norge

Wikigrants are a membership benefit for members of Wikimedia Norge. They are primarily intended as a travel scholarship to participate in events within Norway and abroad, but it is also possible to apply for other purposes as long as they benefit the Wikimedia projects.

There is no fixed deadline to apply, you can apply any time; you can expect a decision within 3 weeks of getting confirmation that your application was received (which will normally happen on the next working day).

The wikigrant budget for the period July 2024-June 2025 is NOK 50,000.

What you can apply for

  • Support to participate in wiki conferences or other events domestically or abroad
  • Support for other expenses related to activities that contribute content to the Wikimedia projects.

Do you have any questions? Contact Wikimedia Norge staff.

How to apply

Copy one of the templates below and submit your application to wikistipend@wikimedia.no.

If you want to be awarded a travel grant, you will have to choose the most affordable means of transport and accommodation of moderate standard. Meals will not be covered.

Template for travel grants

Your name:

Your email address:

Your username:

Describe the conference or event that you want to attend, and add a link to the event page:

Place of departure:



What do you hope to gain by taking part:

Template for other grant applications

Your name:

Your email address:

Your username:

What you are applying for:

Expected costs:

Expected outcomes:

Grants Committee

The grants committee consists of two Wikimedia Norge members, a board member and a staff member: