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Briefing from staff

Fra Wikimedia Norge
Denne siden er en oversatt versjon av siden Orientering fra ansatte og oversettelsen er 93 % ferdig.
Utdaterte oversettelser er markert på denne måten.

In advance of each board meeting in Wikimedia Norway, an overview of the employees' work is posted here.

==Styremøte 17. juni 2022== Handlingsplan for 2021-2022 kan leses her.

===Aktiviteter for Kunnskapsmangfold=== Kvinner i rødt - Skeivt kulturår
Studentgruppene avsluttet prosjektene sine i løpet av mai. Resultatet ble 14 nye artikler og 23 redigerte artikler. Tilsammen har artiklene de har jobbet med blitt vist over 4 000 ganger. Sammenlignet med forrige gruppe, som var bare 3 studenter, så har årets kull lagt til betraktelig mindre informasjon per student- men artiklene de har redigert har allerede blitt vist nesten dobbelt så mye som artiklene til forrige kull. I rapportene uttrykker studentene at de har lært mye nytt og at det har vært interessant. De uttrykker også i mye større grad enn tidligere studenter at arbeidsmengden var for stor.

Skjermbilde av resultatene etter skeivt kulturår.
Skjermbilde av resultatene etter skeivt kulturår.

Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub

I Arbeidet med WLDH jobber vi på to fronter: det ene er å gjennomføre et Movement Strategy Implementation-prosjekt som vi har fått støtte til, det andre er å følge diskusjonene i bevegelsen om hva en hub skal være - for å jobbe fram formatet på WMLD Hub.

I MSI-prosjektet har vi i løpet av mai gjennomført planleggingsfasen. Nå har vi kommet til fasen for gjennomføring av intervju. Disse foregår i grupper med bidragsytere blant 13 forskjellige språkversjoner i hele verden. Intervjuene gjennomføres i løpet av sommeren av noen som er tett på gruppene. Vår jobb vil være oppfølging og støtte. Vil gi oss et nytt nivå av innsikt i hvordan det er å være bidragsyter på små og nye Wikipedia-språkversjoner. Arbeidet med hvordan en hub skal defineres i Wikimedia-bevegelsen foregår fortsatt, og vi tar del i samtalene og arbeidet med dette.

Fra resten av Wikimedia-bevegelsen har vi opplevd interesse for det vi holder på med, blant annet at flere ønsker å være engasjert i arbeidet med dene huben. Movement Strategy Implementation gruppen prøver nå ut et nytt forum for samhandling for Wikimedianere, og der har også hubben blitt diskutert.

Samisk kunnskap på nett
10. og 11. mai deltok én ansatt og én frivillig fra Wikimedia Norge på språkteknologiseminaret Mijá tekno i Luleå. Seminaret ble arrangert av Sametinget i Norge, Sverige og Finland, og hadde som mål å finne ut av hvilke språkteknologiske behov det samiske samfunnet har og å finne fram til et felles samisk flaggskipprosjekt innen språkteknologi. Under seminaret ble spesielt Wikipedia på enaresamisk dratt fram som en suksesshistorie i kraft av å være en ny samisk språkarena.

Tur til Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Campus Haugesund for å snakke om Wikipedia generelt, med litt fokus på hva som skjer på Wikipedia på Russisk nå. Ca 30 tilstede, veldig engasjert publikum med mange spørsmål og gode refleksjoner.


Wikitongues har fått beskjed om at deres søknad til Movement Strategy Implementation Grant vil bli innvilget (ikke offisielt ennå). Wikimedia Norge er involvert i denne gjennom arbeidet med Wikimedia Language Hub.

==Styremøte 27. april 2022== Handlingsplan for 2021-2022 kan leses her.

I forbindelse med årsmøte og andre arrangementer i Bergen under årsmøte-uka ble det sendt ut flere nyhetsbrev med info om deltakelse. Flere reisestipend ble delt ut til frivillige i samme forbindelse. Den 25. mars var det et wikitreff i Bergen for frivillige med omvisning på Skeivt arkiv og deretter pizza i nærheten.

I løpet av perioden har en rekke søknader om presseakkrediteringer blitt innvilget for konsertfotografering.

===Aktiviteter for Kunnskapsmangfold===

Kvinner i rødt

I år har vi 5 studentgrupper, rundt 20 studenter, fra OsloMet som jobber med rødlenkelister fra Kvinner i Rødt-prosjektet. Studentene er andreårsstudenter ved bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap, og arbeidet gjøres som en del av et kurs i prosjektstyring. De skal skrive artikler om skeive personer eller tema relevant for skeivt kulturår. Til nå har de opprettet 10 artikler, og redigert på 18. Kurset er ferdig i løpet av mai. Rødlenkelistene er opprettet av ulike institusjoner vi samarebider med. Nasjonalbiblioteket og Arkivverket har gitt veldig fine introduksjonskurs i søk i deres digitale arkiver.

Skeivt kulturår 2022

Skeivt kulturår-arrangement i Bergen 24. mars: Dette arrangementet holdt vi sammen med Skeivt arkiv og det var finansiert av Fritt Ord. Wikimedia Norge og Skeivt Arkiv inviterte til en panelsamtale om hvordan arkiv-, kulturinstitusjoner og Wikipedia kan synliggjøre og formidle skeiv historie. I panelet satt Ole-Henrik Bjørkmo Lifjell som er sørsamisk skuespiller og musiker og styremedlem i Garmeres, en organisasjon av og for skeive samer som jobber for skeive samers rettigheter, muligheter og synlighet i hele Sápmi; Marthe Glad Munch-Møller, rådgiver ved Norsk lokalhistorisk institutt, Nasjonalbiblioteket; og Runar Jordåen, førstebibliotekar og historiker ved Skeivt arkiv. Samtalen ble ledet av Sigrun Espe, tidligere styreleder i Wikimedia Norge og fagleder i fylkesarkivet i Vestland. Hele samtalen kan sees på vår Youtube-kanal her.

Praksisstudent fra OsloMet: I mars hadde vi en praksisstudent, hun er førsteårsstudent ved bibliotek-og informasjonsvitenskap på OsloMet. Hun var med til Bergen og hjalp til med arrangementene der, og hun tok bilder for oss på et arrangement på Litteraturhuset i Oslo, hvor Mari Boine og Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen var deltagere. Hun har jobbet med en tekst om skeivt kulturår og panelsamtalen i Bergen, og vi håper å få publisert den på både norsk og engelsk på vår blogg. Hun har på vår oppfordring søkt om å få delta på et Wikimedia Sverige redigerings-kurs i sommer som går over en uke.

Månedens konkurranse: konkurranse i april har tema Skeivt kulturår. Igjen ser vi et stort engasjement. Vi har valgt å ha ganske brede kategorier (LHBT og kunst) for å kunne engasjere flere. Det er fint å se at en stor del av bidragene er knyttet til skeiv kultur, og også Grand Prix som kanskje også kan sies å faller litt inn i den kategorien. Det har vært god innsats på det samiske området også. De tre beste vil bli premiert med gavekort fra Ark.

Samisk kunnskap på nett
Et prosjekt om samisk kulturarv på Wikipedia går i gang i august-desember. Det er 2022 finansiert av UNESCO Norge og bygger på et tidligere UNESCO Norge-finansiert prosjekt hvor en omfattende bildesamling fra Norsk Folkemuseum om samisk kulturarv.

Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub

Siden forrige oppdatering om Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub (WLDH) har vi fått innvilga søknaden vår til et research-prosjekt med hubben. Søknadssummen er på 230 000 kroner. Prosjektet er flerdelt, og den første fasen (research design) starter opp 2. mai. Planen er å være ferdig med hele prosjektet i oktober/november.

I tillegg har organisasjonen Wikitongues sendt inn en søknad som del av WLDH-arbeidet, der Wikimedia Norge vil ha en støtterolle. Deres søknad har ikke fått svar ennå.

Som del av språkarbeid deltok Wikimedia Norge på konferansen ContribuLing (digitalt) i april, og deltar på det samiske språkteknologiseminaret Mijá tekno i Luleå (fysisk) i mai og Celtic Knot Conference (digitalt) i juli.


Kommunikasjonsrapport for perioden februar–april 2022 kan leses her.

Søknad om støtte fra Wikimedia Foundation for perioden 1. juli 2022-31. juni 2023 ble sendt inn 14. april 2022. Støtteordningen vi søker på er nå Fund; General Support Fund. Tittel for søknaden er Knowledge Equity: Supporting equity on Wikimedia projects. Søknaden blir behandlet i april og mai 2022, og de ansatte må svare på wiki på spørsmål fra den regionale komiteen som behandler søknaden sammen med Marti Johnsen, Senior Program Officer hos Wikimedia Foundation.

To søknader om finansiering er innvilget siden februar, fra Wikimedia Foundation, et Movement Strategy Implementation Grant med tittelen: Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub Research, og fra UNESCO Norge, et prosjekt med tittelen: Samisk kulturarv på Wikipedia.

Årsmøte ble avholdt på Litteraturhuset i Bergen den 26. mars. [Årsmøte 2020/Protokoll|Protokoll fra møte kan leses her].

Nåværende daglig leder er innvilget permisjon fra 1. mai 2022–31. mars 2023. Vikariatet for stillingen har blitt lyst ut på finn.no og via Wikimedia Norge sine kanaler. Ansettelsesutvalget er godt på vei i rekrutteringsprosessen.

Dem 12. mai 2022 er det et heldagsmøte i Brüssel om tema: Conversation on EU public policy for Wikimedia. Bakgrunnen for møte er Wikimedia Foundation sitt nylige initiativ for å jobbe med påvirkningsarbeid i EU, hvor gruppen Free Knowledge Advocay Group Europe allerede har jobbet i mange år. Denne gruppen er finansiert av ulike europeiske chaptere, herunder Wikimedia Norge. Daglig ledere i Europa og direktøren for Wikimedia Foundation vil være tilstede. Wikimedia Norge får ikke deltatt, men vi er heller ikke fra før aktivt involvert i dette arbeidet. Vikar for daglig leder vil få anledning til å møte sine europeiske kolleger i september under Wikimedia Summit i Berlin.

De ansatte har laget en samlet oversikt over oppgaver knyttet til praktisk og teknisk gjennomføring av årsmøte. Den kan leses her og er lenket til fra oversiktsside for retningslinjer og rutiner for organisasjonen.

Avvikling av sommerferie: de ansatte vil ta ut sommerferie hovedsakelig i juli.

Board meeting 15 February 2022

The action plan for 2021-2022 can be read here.

Activities for Knowledge Diversity

A comprehensive report on our work over the past 6 months can be found in our Wikimedia Foundation Progress Report for the period July 2021 – December 2021.

In connection with the Wikimedia Foundation getting a new director in January 2022, the employees of Wikimedia Norway made an informal video greeting to her to say welcome and to talk about our work. the video can be viewed here.

Newsletters were sent out in both December 2021 and February 2022 on wiki and by email from Mailchimp. In 2021, we sent out as many as 7 newsletters, compared to an average of 4 years before. We are now trying with the newsletters, to give readers valuable and interesting information about the Wikimedia projects and our work, more than just briefly informing about planned activities.

A wiki meet-up was organized in December. In the future, there will be some physical wiki meetings again, organized by us or voluntary contributors, and some full-day technical workshops for active contributors.

Women in red

  • November Competition of the Month were women in red. A total of 1588 new articles were created as part of the competition, and we wrote a blog post about it here.
  • The project subject at OsloMet was completed in the autumn of 2021 with 3 participants, in collaboration with the National Library.
  • The new project subject at OsloMet has as many as 18 participants who will write about topics related to Queer Culture Year and Women in red and will start in February 2022. This is a collaboration with the National Library, the National Archives, the Skeivt Arkiv and the National Museum. We have applied for support for implementation.
  • We are also getting an internship student from OsloMet who will work with similar topics throughout the month of March. Internships are carried out digitally.

See this section of the Wikimedia Foundation's half-yearly report for additional information: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals/2020-2021_round_2/Wikimedia_Norge/Progress_report_form#Progress_Women_in_Red_and_Queer_Cultural_Heritage_Year_2022

Sámi knowledge online

  • We have uploaded around 12 000 lexemes with Sami place names in Norway to Wikidata, in collaboration with Giellatekno and the National Library. This is an important preparatory step for creating articles with Abstract Wikipedia, that will be coming next year.
  • We have uploaded The Lapp Codicil of 1751 and an accompanying border map on Wikimedia Commons; the border map has been named a so-called featured picture on Commons.
  • A new round of uploads of photos from the Reindeer Grazing Commission of 1913 will start in February 2022.

See this section of the Wikimedia Foundation's half-yearly report for additional information: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals/2020-2021_round_2/Wikimedia_Norge/Progress_report_form#Progress_Sámi_Knowledge_online

Wikimedia Langauge Diversity Hub

See this section of the Wikimedia Foundation's half-yearly report for additional information: m:Grants:APG/Proposals/2020-2021_round_2/Wikimedia_Norge/Progress_report_form#Progress_Wikimedia_Language_Diversity_Hub


Communication report for the period August – October 2021 can be read here.

A supplementary report on income and expenses for the last 6 months can be found in our progress report to the Wikimedia Foundation for the period July 2021 – December 2021.

We were rejected for two applications for support, one application was granted and a final report was sent. We are awaiting a response to three applications for funding; Wikimedia Movement Strategy Grant (answer February) Fritt Ord (answer February) and Unecso Norway (answer April). The new application scheme for the Wikimedia Foundation has come into force. It's called the Wikimedia General Support Fund. The application deadline is already 14 April (mid-Easter), and not in May as predicted for the last 6 months. As previously discussed with the board, we are applying for funding for one year. The application is processed by a regional committee in May, and employees must respond to feedback during May. We will receive an answer at the end of May. Until next year, we can apply for funding for 3 years, provided we have a strategy and action plan for the entire period we are applying for support for.

Annual meeting in Bergen March 26 and events March 24 and March 25: A hotel deal has been entered into for visitors with help from a local wikipedian, premises and meals booked for the 3 different events. Information about the annual meeting and the other events has been sent out via newsletters.

Change of auditor has been carried out by the board, updated in Brønnøysund, and the 2021 accounts have been submitted to the auditor.

The general manager has requested the board a leave of absence from 1. May 2021 and for ten months.

Board meeting 25 October 2021

The action plan for 2021–2022 can be read here.

Activities in Knowledge Equity program

The Wiki-meet-up in August had the theme Abstract Wikipedia. Keynote from the Arctic Knot conference was about this topic, and this video was played at the meeting. Ahead of the meeting, we wrote a blog post about Abstract Wikipedia. The development of this project can have great significance for our work with small languages. Here is a quote about this from our annual report to the Wikimedia Foundation: "We are eager to see how Wikifunctions and the Abstract Wikipedia initiative can contribute to expanding the knowledge base for small language Wikipedias and make the vast amount of information in Wikidata available to a bigger public. The potential of this project is great, and it will be very interesting to see what the possibilities are and how this tech can be applied to the Sámi language Wikipedias and other small language projects in order to help facilitate their growth. "

The wiki meeting in September had the theme of new contributors. A theme inspired by one of the contributions to the Arctic Knot conference. This video clip was made as a follow-up to the meeting and a summary was shared at Torget.

With fewer restrictions, Wikimedia Commons photographers are again active and have been granted press accreditation for both concerts and World Cup wrestling.

We've had our first meeting with the steering committee for the Wikimedia Lanuage Diversity Hub, set up a page on Wikimedia Meta for the project and created a telegram group for the steering committee. In November, we apply together with the Steering committee for a Movement Stratgey Implementation Grant. The first application was rejected. We have since had two meetings with the Wikimedia Foundation Stratgey Team to discuss a new application.

The upload from Queer Culture Year is finished and a blog post about the collaboration can be read here. The blog post was shared in a national facebook group for all actors involved in Queer Culture Year and received a lot of positive feedback.

OsloMet and the Red Link project. This year we have 3 active students from OsloMet, who have chosen to work with the red link list from the National Museum. They contribute in Bokmål, Nynorsk and Swedish, and have so far created 6 articles. Their work can also be followed on the dashboard.

The video from Arctic Art + Feminism is in this playlist on YouTube. We've written two blog posts, a short version for Diff and a longer one for the Wikimedia Norway blog.

In August, we had a digital workshop for employees at an upper secondary school and Bergen public library. There are 56 students participating in this project. We have had some follow-up work, and hope the collaboration can continue with new students. They have written about street names in Bergen, but emphasis on streets named after women.

In full-day meetings, organized by UNESCO, for the planning of the Decade of Indigenous Languages, we have contributed to the preparation of a Global Action Plan. The employees are planning a trip to Kautokeino and Karasjok in February 2022 to follow up this work.


Communication report for the period August – October 2021 can be read [| here]. Writing applications for funding and reporting on approved applications is now up to a 60% position. Here are some figures that say something about the scope of the work. Note that the biggest job with an application is to agree with partners what we want to apply for, which also fits under the announced criteria:

  • We have written final reports for 4 applications
  • We have submitted 4 applications, of which 2 have been granted
  • We have written 2 letters of intent that support other people's applications
  • There are 4 applications left for us to submit before 1.1.2022
  • It remains to obtain 6 letters of intent for 2 of these applications
  • There is 1 final report left before 1.1.2022

Conference report for the grant we received from the Wikimedia Foundation for the Arctic Knot Conference can be read here. We've also written a blog post about experiences from the conference. Our annual report to the Wikimedia Foundation for the period 1.7.2020-31.06.2022 can be read here. Final reports for the projects Skeivt arkiv on Wikimpedia and Artcic Art + Feminimsm have been sent to Fritt Ord. Fritt Ord has granted support for round two of the Reindeer Grazing Commission project.

An employee has gone up from 60 to 80% position fom. October 1, 2021. Appraisal interviews where conducted with employees. The employees now have 3 weeks home office and 1 office week per month.

Board meeting 24 August 2021

The action plan for 2021–2022 can be read here.

Activities in Knowledge Equity program

  • Newsletters were sent out on August 13: The newsletters are sent out via Mailchimp and on the wiki. Mailing by Mailchimp gives us some statistics on whether the newsletters are opened, which links are clicked, etc.
  • Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference 2021: The conference took place in June 2021 and went very well. A supplementary report will be written to the Wikimedia Conference team and shared on Metawiki by September 30. We broke even on the granted budget. The communication outreach for the conference was extensive and educational for us. Throughout the autumn, there will be a number of blog posts based on content shared during the conference. The first was published on World Indigenous Peoples' Day in collaboration with the Wikimedia Foundation's communications team. It can be read here. A questionnaire was shared with all participants at the end of the conference and provided overwhelmingly positive responses to the content and format (design and choice of platforms) of the conference.
  • Wikimania workshop August 17: We held a workshop at Wikimania where we can read more about what the Wikimedia Language Diversity hub should and can focus on. The questions discussed in the workshop came from answers that the participants in the Arctic Knot Wikimedia Conference had given: what I want from a hub. The responses were summarized into 4 main goals for WMNO employees and volunteers who are engaged internationally in the design of the hub. From 60 (presentation) -40 (interactive part) people attended the workshop. The answers from here will be the starting point for an international advisory group we have put together for hub work.
  • Arctic Art + Feminism: We conducted a writing workshop in collaboration with Norwegian Artisans. This was done digitally, with around 10 participants. We have recorded two interviews in English. One is a conversation with Liisa-Rávná Finbog, about knowledge systems in Sami crafts. The other is a conversation between Liisa-Rávná and an art student who weaves back to their Sami roots through duodji. One film was first shared on World Indigenous Day, and they will be shared several times during the autumn. We will report on the project to Fritt Ord by 15 September.

  • Upload from The National Norwegian Archive for Queer History, UiB: We will upload about 200 videos from The National Norwegian Archive for Queer History to Wikimedia Commons. Rights have been clarified and uploading will take place in August / September. We will report on the project to Fritt Ord by 15 September.


The communication report for May-August 2021 can be read here.

  • Wikimedia Language Diversity hub: We applied for Wikimedia Movement Strategy Implementation Grant July 10th.
  • Cooperation with the National Archives: The Reindeer Grazing Commission, part 2: We have applied for Fritt Ord for support on 4 August.
  • We received a rejection of the application we sent together with the National Library in Norway and in Portugal and one university in Lisbon.

Board meeting 8 June 2021

The action plan for 2020–2021 can be read here.
The action plan for 2021–2022 can be read here.

Community support and program work

  • Newsletter was sent out in May 2021.
  • Wikipedia Library: 6 Retriever accesses were distributed on May 21, 2021.
  • The General Manager has participated in an hour-long video interview for all Wikimedia Deutschland employees about the Arctic Knot Conference and the Decade of Indigenous Languages.
  • The project leader has participated in an American podcast on linguistics and talked about the Arctic Knot conference.
  • The staff has assisted in arranging 2 monthly contests on Wikipedia.

Sami project
In the Sami project, it is the Arctic Knot that has taken all the time since the previous report. The work on Arctic Art + Feminism will be completed by the end of June 2021 and will take place in parallel and in connection with the conference.

Work on the Decade of Indigenous Languages has included two full-day UNESCO-themed meetings: "North America and Arctic Regional Consultations - IDIL 2022-2032 Global Action Plan". We are an observer in what Unesco calls the Global Task Force. Other participants from Norway are from the Sami Parliament and the Norwegian government. Priorities from the Sami Parliament and this Norwegian government are cross-border cooperation and language technology. The next full-day meeting is June 21, 2021.


  • The communication report for the period will be shared at the next board meeting in August.
  • Our application to the Wikimedia Foundation for the period 2021–2022 has been approved as of June 3, 2021.
  • Together with the National Library of Norway and Portugal and a university in Lisbon, we have submitted an EEA application. This was an initiative of the University of Lisbon. We will receive an answer in July 2021.
  • The tenant from Wikimedia Sweden has been given a new position and the lease has been terminated from 1 September 2021.
  • Employees take vacations mainly in July.

Board meeting 27 April 2021

The action plan for 2020–2021 can be read here.

Community support and program work

  • 'Wiki meet-up February 2021' : In February we had a digital wiki meet-up where the Wikidata tool Mix'n'Match was the theme.
  • 'Administrator meeting March 2021' : On Saturday 20 March, a meeting was held for administrators on the Norwegian-language Wikimedia projects. There were 10 participants, one of whom is an administrator on Wiktionary in Norwegian, and the remaining are administrators on Wikipedia in Bokmål. The meeting was initiated by Wikimedia Norway after Wikipedia users had requested it on Torget. At the meeting, there was a review of "hidden" or little-known administrator tools, including mass deletion, new blocking options and patrolling tools. There was also great agreement that there is a need to update and centralize the guidelines. In the questionnaire that was sent out after the meeting, everyone answered "Yes" that it will be useful to have new meetings for administrators in the future.
  • 'Newsletter' was sent out in March (by email) and in April (on wiki).

Sami knowledge online
Dette prosjektet handler nå også om mer generell og internasjonal støtte til urfolksspråk- og underrepresenterte språk og Wikimedia-prosjektene. Her er hovedsporene vi jobber etter:

  • Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference: 24.–25. juni organiserer Wikimedia Norge den digitale språkkonferansen Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference. Dette er hovedfokus for de ansatte i Wikimedia Norge nå. Wikimedia-bevegelsen er i ferd med å implementere sin 2030-strategi mens UNESCO jobber med International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), som begynner i 2022. IDIL viser til potensialet i teknologi for å støtte og bevare urfolksspråk. Disse to milepælene lager en ramme for konferansen hvor vi skal diskutere språkmangfold på Wikimedia-prosjektene, og hvordan bygge gode språkmiljø for urfolks- og underrepresenterte språkbrukere. Arctic Knot er for alle wikipedianere og wikimedianere som er interessert i urfolksspråk og underrepresenterte språk, og også for organisasjoner, kultur- og utdanningsinstitusjoner som jobber i dette feltet. Fokuset i år er spesielt på de samiske språkene.
  • Nettverk/hub for urfolks- og underrepresenterte språk: I tråd med internasjonal 2030-strategi, og anbefaling der om regionale og tematiske "hubs", utreder vi ideen om hvordan vi sammen med Wikimedia Language Diversity-gruppen kan gjøre et systematisk arbeid for å støtte urfolks- og underrepresenterte språk og Wikimedia-prosjekter. Nedslagsfelt er interesserte grupper som jobber med dette fra hele verden. En viktig milepæl for dette arbeidet vil være konferansen Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference i juni.
  • Arctic Art+Fem: Art+Feminism er et aktivt nettverk som holder skriveverksteder med fokus på biografier om kvinner. De har et godt engasjement blant frivillige, og har vokst til å dekke flere underrepresenterte grupper, blant annet urfolk. Arctic Art+feminism skal fokusere på å øke synligheten av samiske kvinner på Wikipedia eller de andre Wikimediaprosjektene gjennom skrivekurs/arrangementer. Ett av Arctic Art+Feminism-arrangementene vil være en del av prekonferansen til Arctic Knot.
  • UNESCO tiåret for urfolksspråk 2022-2032 (IDIL): Wikimedia Norge ble invitert til å delta på UNESCO sin 2-dagers Global Task Force-samling for tiåret for urfolksspråk 2022-2032 deltok i mars. Vi har også deltatt på et regionalt UNESCO-møte for tiåret. Wikimedia Norge har deltatt på en evaluering (dybdeintervju) for 2019 Unesco sitt år for urfolksspråk og slik fått levert våre innspill til hva vi ønsker oss av et samarbeid knyttet til tiåret for urfolksspråk 2022-2032.

Gender imbalance on Wikipedia

  • The Red Link project OsloMet and the National Library : The collaboration with OsloMet was evaluated in April 2021. The subject will be expanded and made mandatory from the spring of 2022, and Wikimedia Norway will continue the collaboration. It is great that a subject we have been involved in the proposal of- and offering content to grows and is being focused on by OsloMet. We plan to include the work with Skeivt kulturår 2022 in this educational collaboration.
  • WikiGap : WikiGap was fully digital this year, and conducted as an e-mail course in writing articles on Wikipedia. At the same time, women and peace work were the theme for this month's competition in March. There were 19 entrants to the writing course, but we could not see that any of them actually entered the competition. Writing courses and WikiGap events are probably best arranged with a physical presence.


  • The communication report for januar 2021 - april 2021 can be read here.
  • Annual meeting 2021: This year's annual meeting was held on March 6, 2021, the minutes are available here. Among other things, it was decided to include South Sámi, Lule Sámi and Kven names for the organization. This means that we now have 6 equivalent names: Wikimedia Norway (Bokmål), Wikimedia Norway (Nynorsk), Wikimedia Norga (Northern Sami), Wikimedia Vuodna (Lule Sami), Wikimedia Nöörje (Southern Sami) and Wikimedia Norja (Kven). Hogne Neteland left the board after many years, we thank you for your good work! Sigrun Espe continues the good work as chairman of the board. The board has added two new board members: Fredrik Ljone, Bergen and Stian Amadeus Antonsen, Oslo.
  • New application for support for the Wikimedia Foundation for the period 1 July 2021–31. June 2022 must be submitted by May 1, 2021. We hope that next year it may be possible to apply to the Wikimedia Foundation for multi-year support.
  • In April, we were able to apply to the Norwegian Lotteries and Foundations Authority for extra funding due to the pandemic. Funds were granted on April 26, 2021.
  • Granted support from Fritt Ord for collaboration with Skeivt arkiv.
  • Together with Wikimedia colleagues in Belgium, the EU Policy Director, and EPN, we have sent a response to the hearing of the Ministry of Culture and given on input for the implementation of the digital market directive mv. in Norwegian law. /
  • Accounting and auditing services: In collaboration with Oslo Regnskap, we have done a great job of cleaning up in our accounts based on the fact that we are granted project funds from several different places. Auditing costs will increase as we have to submit several project reports where it is required that the accounts have been audited by an auditor.
  • Interns from OsloMet: In May, we said no to accept interns from OsloMet Since our office is closed,

Board meeting 2 February 2021

The action plan for 2020–2021 can be read here.

Community support and program work

  • Wiki meet-up was arranged on 25 November. Interested parties can now both subscribe to notification of meet-ups and add a date for meet-ups to their calendar. We have also created an Etherpad that can be used to share content from meetings with those who do not participate. We will continue with monthly wiki meetings in 2021.
  • A meeting for administrators is being planned for spring 2021.
  • Throughout 2021, we will mark that Wikipedia is 20 years old. We have created our own congratulations page on our website and will have a number of communication activities related to the anniversary. Both volunteers and we had some nice press releases on 15.1.2021, see communication report.
  • We will use a new membership system from February. In this system, direct debit, bank cards, debit cards and SMS can be used as payment for membership payments and donations, and we will be able to have a better dialogue and follow-up of members and people who support us. Transition to the new system has required a lot more effort than we planned for. We are working on a new page on Wikimedia.no for member registration and donations.

Sami knowledge online

  • Wikimedia movement strategy 2030: In November, employees and board members participated in international meetings on the 2030 strategy. Wikimedia Norway has expressed its interest in creating or contributing to a language hub for minority languages, presented briefly here. This was the theme for international meetings that took place on the weekend of 30-31.1 as well.
  • From 2022 to 2032 UNESCO Decade of Indigenous Languages will be arranged. Wikimedia Norway is working to bring about international cooperation related to this celebration of Sami languages. This work will be a continuation of our work with International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019.
  • The Reindeer Grazing Commission project, is a collaboration with the Sami Archive and the National Archives. We are awaiting approval of a fine on Wikimedia Commons for uploading the image collection. The project pages are finished and also translated into Northern Sami. An application for funding for phase two has been sent to the Cultural Council together with the Sami Archive and the National Archives. Some communication activities have been agreed with the archives for the spring of 2021 related to the project.
  • We have been granted full support from the Wikimedia Foundation to host the Arctic Knot conference in Tromsø in June. This will be a work with a number of partners from home and abroad. This will be the most time-consuming task for the spring of 2021 for the employees.
  • Sami place names the phase 2, in collaboration with Giellatekno, UiT, and the National Library, Language bank has started. The project involves entering all the Sami place names from the first part of the project as "lexemes" in Wikidata. In lexemes you can specify the type of use and grammatical forms, which is very useful for Sami languages with many grammatical cases. This in turn will make it possible to automatically use the correct grammatical form of the names of the wiki projects and other places.

In collaboration with Wikimedia Sweden, the Wikispeech project has been presented to the Language Bank at the National Library.

Gender imbalance on Wikipedia

  • Rødlenkeprosjektet: Studentene fra OsloMet er ferdige med rødlenkelisteprosjektet, hvor de skrev 15 røde lenker blå om kunstnere på en liste satt opp av Nasjonalmuseet. I begynnelsen av desember hadde vi et evalueringsmøte og fikk gode tilbakemeldinger. Nasjonalmuseet ordnet også en fin oppmerksomhet
  • Vi forstetter planleggingen av Arctic Art+Feminism-prosjektet. Ett av skriveverkstedene vil skje under Artic Knot-konferansen.


  • Communication report for the period November 2020 to January 2021 can be read here. In the action plan, we have added a column for communication to systematize efforts in the months we carry out many activities.
  • We have submitted two applications for Norwegian project financing. In the last period, a Norwegian and an American application for funding have been granted.
  • We have signed an agreement with the company Solidus on membership and gift management. Wikimedia.no has been updated with new registration and payment methods and we have created a routine description for the work. This is time consuming administration work for a small organization like us.
  • Privacy Statement for Wikimedia Norway has been updated in line with the new membership system.
  • Wikimedia Norway has joined the Norwegian Fundraising and VU Kompetanse. Two employees have participated in courses in both places during the last period.
  • We submitted a half-yearly report to the Wikimedia Foundation on January 30, 2121. The report provides details about our work, income and expenses. It can be read here.
  • The employees have all been working from home. We must plan for the workload in the spring of 2021 to be carried out at home, and take into account occasionally closed schools and kindergartens. Much of the international work on strategy is added to the weekends. Here we must prioritize strictly for what we can manage to participate in. Our priority is the discussion on regional and thematic hubs .

Board meeting 17 November 2020

The action plan for 2020–2021 can be read here.

Community support and program work

  • Wikitreff: virtuelle wikitreff har blitt avholdt i september og oktober. Tema har vært infobokser og samarbeidsklima på wiki. Nytt treff er planlagt for november. De ansatte foretar i november en evaluering av hvordan wikitreffene har fungert i 2020 og hvordan vi fortsetter i 2021.
  • Vi planlegger for Wikipedia 20 år feiring gjennom hele 2021. Målet med feiringen er å gi honnør til de frivillige som har bidratt, prøve å få medieoppmerksomhet rundt sentrale tema som Wikipedia og Wikimedia arbeider med, og få flere medlemmer til Wikimedia Norge.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments, bilde- og skrivekonkurranse: I september ble Wiki Loves Monuments gjennomført. I skrivekonkurransen kom det 133 nye artikler. I denne bloggposten er det vinnerbildene fra Norge presentert. I 2021 vil vi kun gjennomføre skrivekonkurransen. Deltakelsen i WLM bildekonkurransen har sunket de siste årene, og vi vil derfor i stedet vurdere andre fotokonkurranser som kan gi mer deltakelse.
  • wikinobel: Wikinobel ble i år gjennomført digitalt, via Google Hangout og en telegram-gruppe, se bloggpost. Vi deltok også på livesending til Wikipedia Weekly på facebook.

Sami knowledge online

  • I uke 43 ble Giellevakkhu, samisk språkuke, gjennomført: vi gjennomførte en rekke informasjonsaktiviteter den uke, som skriving og deling av bloggposter og pressemeldinger.
  • Samiske stedsnavn fase 2, i samarbeid med Giellatekno, UiT, og Nasjonalbiblioteket, Språkbanken: I begynnelsen av 2021 starter vi dette prosjektet, som går ut på å legge inn alle de samiske stedsnavnene fra første del av prosjektet som leksemer i Wikidata. I leksemer kan man angi brukstype og grammatiske former, noe som er veldig nyttig for samiske språk med mange kasus. Dette vil igjen gjøre det mulig å automatisk bruke riktig grammatisk form av navnene på wikiprosjektene og andre steder. I forkant av Giellavakkhu ble det sendt ut en pressemelding om prosjektet av Nasjonalbiblioteket.
  • Undersvisningspilot samisk kunnskap på nett, i samarbeid med Samisk høgskole og UiT: Planlagt undervisning på Samisk høgskole i september måtte utsettes. Undervisning på UiT er gjennomført digitalt. Prosjektside er satt opp her. Undervisningen foregikk på Zoom med ca 10 studenter, det var en kombinasjon av teori og praktisk Wikipedia-redigering. Vi vil følge opp undervisningen med en A4 side med gode argumenter for å bidra på Wikipedia rettet mot studenter som studerer urfolk og urfolksspråk. Vi har skrevet om undervisningen på Wikimedia Education, Du kan lese nyhetsbrevet her.
  • Vi har søkt Wikimedia Foundation om støtte til å organisere konferansen Artic Knot: a Wikimedia languages conference i juni 2021. Konferansen vil være digital og fysisk. Søknaden kan leses her.

Gender imbalance on Wikipedia

  • Rødlenke-prosjektet i samarbeid med OsloMet og Nasjonalmuseet: 3 studenter arbeider med en rødlenkeliste som er satt opp av Nasjonalmuseet. Opplæring av studentene er gitt fysisk og digitalt. Arkivverket har også en studentgruppe ved OsloMet som arbeider med Reinbeitekommisjonsprosjektet. Studentene tilhører alle et prosjtektfag for arkiv- og biblioteksstudenter.
  • Artic Art+Feminism-prosjektet i samarbeid med Art VAPO og Art+Feminism: Dette prosjektet er finansiert av midler fra Fritt Ord og starter opp i november 2020. 4 digitale skriveverkstedet skal gjennomføres våren 2021 for å bedre dekning av kvinnelige kunstnere fra nordområder.
  • Wikigap i samarbeid med den svenske ambassaden: Dette arrangementet var satt opp for 19.11.2020, men er utsatt til mars 2021. Kvinner i Sør-Amerika ble valgt som tema, fordi det kan knyttes opp mot miljøkamp, kvinnerettigheter og kvinners rolle i fredsarbeid i lys av FN-resolusjon 1325 som markerte 20 år i 2020.


  • Communication report for the period August to November 2020 can be read here. In the action plan, we have added a column for communication to systematize efforts in the months we carry out many activities.
  • Årsrapporten vår til Wikimedia Foundation kan leses her.
  • Vi har opprettet en rekke prosjektsider for arbeidet vårt for å ha bedre dokumentasjon og kommunikasjon med samarbeidspartnere, se Mangfoldsportalen vår.
  • To ansatte har deltatt på kurs i hvordan arrangere konkurranser i sosiale medier.
  • De ansatte har vekslet mellom å arbeide på kontoret og ha hjemmekontor ettersom hva som har blitt anbefalt eller påbudt av Oslo kommune. Per dags dato har alle ansatte hjemmekontor.
  • Lønnsoppgjøret for de ansatte ble gjennomført i august/september 2020.
  • Det vil være noe ferieavvikling for de ansatte ved jul.

Board meeting 26 August 2020

The action plan for 2020–2021 can be read here.

Community support and program work

  • In June, we hosted a one-month competition on Iran on Wikipedia.47 new articles were created. A similar competition on Norway was held on the Farsi Wikipedia about Norway. We are discussing with Iranian Wikimedians User Group how we can continue our collaboration. We have an application within the NUUG Foundation for parts of this collaboration.
  • January 15, 2021, Wikipedia will be 20 years old. We have started working on how we can mark the anniversary.
  • We have had Wikipedia training at a high school in Moss. Those students are participating in the Wiki Loves Monuments writing competition.

Sami knowledge online

  • The education pilot we have received funding from the Sami Parliament to create will be used at the University of Tromsø this semester. It will be in a digital teaching format. Teaching at Sami University College is currently postponed.
  • The work with Sami place names from the Norwegian Mapping Authority has been completed, and a continuation of the place name project is being discussed with another partner.
  • We are applying to the Wikimedia Foundation for funding to conduct the Arctic Knot 2021 conference (2021 version of Celtic Knot 2020) by 7 September.

Gender imbalance on Wikipedia

  • The red link project is also this autumn part of the subject for library and archive students at Oslomet. We collaborate with the National Library, the National Museum and the UiT project ART Vapo in this red link project. Start-up was 24 August.
  • We have started a collaboration with Art + Feminism and applied for support from Arts Council Norway for this collaboration, but were rejected. We now have an application at Fritt Ord


  • Communication report for the period March to August 2020 can be read here.
  • Tax deduction on gifts: We have applied to the Norwegian Tax Administration to become approved as an organization that has deductions for gifts. But it turns out that at least 300 members are required to be approved, so we have to wait until we have those kinds of membership numbers.
  • Application for VAT compensation has been submitted.
  • Hiring routine: We have made a routine and to-do list for hiring and starting internships, and termination of employment.
  • Consulting services: We have entered into a consulting agreement with Oslo Byes Vel (Oslobyleksikon.no), similar to the one we have with Lokalhistoriewiki (National Library), on services related to the use of MediaWiki. The number of consulting hours we sell a year will not be high.
  • QR code: We have ordered a QR code from Vipps and this has been added to wikimedia.no and our wiki.
  • Wikimedia Norway's wiki: We have cleaned and updated our wiki so that the pages will be easier to orientate for external readers.
  • Change of employees: Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen had her last day at work in Wikimedia Norway on 6 August 2020 and Mali K. Brødreskift started on 17 August 2020 in a 60% position.
  • Infection control measures: Until further notice, the employees who live in Oslo cycle or walk to the office. The train-dependent employee comes to the office once a week and avoids rush hour. All meetings with external partners take place digitally. Travel within Norway is continuously assessed.

Board meeting 16 June 2020

The action plan for 2020–2021 can be read here.

Community support and program work

  • Two new wiki grants have been granted.
  • The 6 accesses to Retriever have been redistributed and 4 contributors have been offered digital access to the newspaper Ávvir. A new application for access to bokhylla.no from a foreign IP address has been applied for and granted.
  • In June, WMNO is organizing a writing competition with the Iranian Wikimedian User group. More about the competition can be read on our blog.

Sámi knowledge online

  • Conference contribution on Sami place names is accepted by the conference Celtic Knot.

Executive Director

  • The Executive Director has participated in the recording of a podcast episode about Sami languages and WMNO's work.
  • The design agency Árvu has submitted a new design of the front page of North Sami Wikipedia. It is coded by WMNO employee.
  • Merch to the Sami project has been printed.

Gendergap on Wikipedia

  • The project subject The Red Link project starts in August. It is possible that the teaching must take place digitally. Red link lists for the project are prepared together with partners.
  • Merch to the Red Link project has been printed.


  • Communication report is prepared for the next board meeting.
  • The employees have completed two workshops with organizational developer Ulrika Eklund.
  • The international 2030 strategy has been completed. It can be read here. The implementation phase is being planned from June-September 2020.
  • The rebranding project presents its naming options on June 16 at 5pm via a presentation on YouTube. More about the process can be read here
  • Interviews for an advertised position as a course instructor at WMNO (hourly) were conducted on 12 June. There were 40 applicants for the position.
  • The new office has been refurbished and furnished. Tenant from Wikimedia Sweden is in the office from 15 June 2020.
  • Home office: the employees who do not need to use public transport to get to the office, have started to use the office again.
  • The organizing of annual leave: the employees take a holiday in July. In the weeks 27 and 28, the office will be closed.

Board meeting 28 April 2020

Handlingsplan for 2019–2020 kan leses her.

Community support and program work

  • Virtual wikitreff: we are now testing the monthly wiki meetings as video meeting. We have set up a notification option so that you can subscribe to notifications of the time of the meetings. The previous meeting had about 11 participants with a good geographical spread. The next meeting will take place on April 29 at 5 pm where Jon Harald will talk about translating MediaWiki (on Translatewiki.net), and how to contribute there and help improve the interface to Wikipedia and other wikis.
  • Wikistipend: 2 wiki grants were applied for. One was granted and one was postponed as it was a travel grant. The new application deadline is 22 May. An application has already been received.
  • Wikipedia-library: one access to the National Library from a foreign IP address has been granted. At the request of contributors, the library has been expanded to include Sami sources (newspapers). Accesses will be distributed on 22 May 2020.
  • Newsletter: one newsletter was sent out in advance of the annual meeting to inform that it was going to be done digitally. The next newsletter will be sent out on 29 May.

Gender gap on Wikipedia

  • Skeivopedia, which is operated by Skeivt arkiv / The University of Bergen has, after input from us, added the CC by SA license to all the entries in Skeivopedia.
  • Skeivt kulturår (queer cultural year 2022) will be held in Norway in 2022. Wikimedia Norge is part of a group of different organizers for the year.
  • To commemorate March 8, we held a writing workshop together with the Technical Museum at the Technical Museum about Hidden Women.
  • The monthly competition on Wikipedia had in March bibliographies as the theme, and several resources for writing bibliographies about women were listed.
  • Information material related to the project is being prepared.

Sámi knowledge online

  • Reindeer pastures commission-project : We have been granted support by the Arts Council Norway to make documentation from Reindeer pastures Commission of 1913 available together with the National Archives. The project starts in May / June. It will be offered as a project subject at OsloMet to contribute to this in the autumn of 2020.
  • Sami place names / The Norwegian Mapping Authority : We expect to be finished with this by August. A freelancer helps with the work on Wikidata. Jon Harald submits a conference paper for the online version of Celtic Knot 2020 on place names and lexemes. The project is funded by Fritt Ord.
  • Sami education pilot: The education pilot is almost finished. Translation into Northern Sami remains. Travel to Sami University College in May has been postponed. Information material related to the project is being prepared.


The communication report for Februar-April 2020 can be read here

Annual Meeting was held digitally on 14 March 2020. The annual meeting minutes can be read here.

The employees of Wikimedia Norway have been working from home since 12 March. We will use the office again when it is in line with infection control advice.

A number of travels and conferences are postponed. Some of the time that is freed up is used by the employees to review Wikimedia Norway's wiki, create information material and look at new designs for North Sámi Wikipedia together with a Sámi design agency.

We will move the office on 1 May internally at Greenhouse and get a larger room. The move is going according to plan, despite working from home. The room will be refurbished and furnished in April. From 1 May 2020, we will have a tenant from Wikimedia Sweden.

Applications: Some applications have had their processing time extended, or have been rejected due to Corona. Some new application options, "Corona announcements", have been announced that are relevant to us. They have short application deadlines, but are given high priority by the employees.

The rebranding process: "Interconnection" has been selected as a concept for the further rebranding work. Presentation from Snøhetta can be seen here.

We are working to find a permanent course leader who can hold courses for us on a freelance basis, both physically and digitally.

In March / April, all three employees completed a course on how to lead digital meetings and make them interactive.

Board meeting 11 February 2020

The action plan for 2019–2020 can be read here.

Community support and program work

Meetups: We are testing out a new version of wiki meetups, using Wikimedia Sverige's monthly wikifika as a model. These will happen on the last Wednesday each month at Kulturhuset in Oslo (subject to change).

Sámi knowledge online: We are continuing work on the education pilot, and will hold a workshop at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences in the end of May to give the education test a go. The project is delayed by 2 months due to illness.

The Norwegian Mapping Authority, placenames: We have held an introductory meeting with the Mapping Authority about some ideas and how to get the Sámi and Kven placenames in Wikidata in practice. The project will mainly be done in February and March.

The National Library: Sámi bibliography. We have uploaded parts of the Sámi bibliography to Wikidata. About two thirds remain, as well as making a system to keep the data up-to-date when it changes in the external end.

We have signed an MoU with Wikitongues about further collaboration on recording people speaking various Sámi languages. The first film can be seen here. It was filmed at Riddu Riđđu last year. All films are released under a free license on Wikimedia Commons as well.

The Bodil Biørn project: Round 2 of the project is finished. The second round was about digitizing, transcribing and translating letters into English and Armenian. In November we held a seminar together with the National Archives to mark the end of the project. Read more about the event here.

Gender imbalance on Wikipedia: On the 6th of February, a Wikimedia Norge employee will participate at the annual gathering in the museum network for women's history at Kvinnemuseet in Kongsvinger, holding a Wikipedia editing course. The theme for the gathering is visibility. Read more about the program here…


The communication report for December 2019–January 2020 can be read here.

Wikipedia language code: Thanks to a fix made by Niklas Laxström during Wikimania, the display name for the Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia has been changed back to "Norsk bokmål" (as opposed to just "Norsk") when there are links to it from Wikipedias in other languages. The issue, which has been raised at multiple board meetings in the past, can therefore be considered solved.

The January–March period is our most busy one when it comes to reporting and applying for funds:

  • Wikimedia Norge's annual accounting for 2019 was sent to the accountant on January 23rd, and accounting and reports have been sent to the Arts Council and UNESCO Norway for grants that were given in 2019.
  • The semi-annual report for the Wikimedia Foundation, for the July–December 2019 period can be read here. It gives an overview of both our work and accounting for these 6 months.
  • Wikimedia Norge has applied for a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation to organize a diversity conference in 2020. The application can be read here.
  • We have also applied to UNESCO Norway about continued support for working on indigenous languages.
  • 3 applications for funding remain to be written during February/March, and two accounts and reports are also due in February/March.

Our website, wikimedia.no, has been updated with new texts in Northern Sámi, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and English. We have made a new portal for our diversity work aimed at readers, contributors and potential partners who don't know Wikimedia Norge; it can be read here.

We contributed during the Snøhetta and Wikimedia Foundation workshop about rebranding in Oslo in January. More info about the work and the workshop.

Planned travels during this financial year (up to July 2020):

  • Wikimedia Summit, Berlin: 1 employee will travel
  • Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino: 2 employees will travel
  • Wikimedia Hackathon, Tirana: 1 employee will travel
  • Queering Wikipedia, Linz: 1 employee will travel
  • Celtic Knot, Limerick: 1 employee will travel
  • Márkomeannu, Evenes: 1 employee and 1 volunteer will travel
  • Riddu Riđđu: 1 employee and 1 volunteer will travel

Board meeting 28 November 2019

Community and program work

  • Two volunteers attended WikiTechstorm in Amsterdam in november 2019 with grants from Wikimedia Norge
  • Wiki-grant: There were no applications for the wiki-grant application deadline 20 November 2019.
  • Retriever Access: New Retriever access distribution was made on November 25, 2019.
  • Wiki Love Monuments in September 2019: The work of the jury after this year's Wiki Loves Monuments is over, and the ten winning images moving on to the international part of the competition are posted at winners page on Commons. We also arranged monthly competition for cultural monuments and 341 new articles were written during the competition.
  • Wikinobel: We had an event together with the Nobel Peace Center on October 11, 2019 in connection with the announcement of this year's recipient of the prize in which staff and volunteers participated.
  • National Library, Language Bank: We will again share plain text dumps of Wikipedia texts with the Language Bank, this time from discussion pages to get a text corpus of more "everyday" writings from the wiki projects.

Sami project

  • Wikidata workshop at the Sámi House of Oslo September 29. About ten participants participated in the Wikidata workshop at Sámi House, where we went through a number of Wikidata tools as well as structured data at Commons, and built queries to use for the month's competition in October, which was about Sami.
  • During the Research Days of September 2019, we had an event (a debate) titled: Decolonization of Knowledge - Online.
  • In one week in October, Giellavahkku, the SN International Year of Indigenous Languages was marked across the country. Wikimedia Norway recently received funding from the Sami Parliament's language resources to prepare a teaching program for student contributions on Wikipedia in Northern Sami or contributions with Sami content on Wikimedia projects in general, together with the Sami University College and the University of Tromsø. We also got money from Fritt Ord to share Sami city names on Wikidata together with the Norwegian Mapping Authority. More about this work on our blog.
  • The monthly writing competition on Wikipedia: In October 2019, the theme was Sami topics.113 nye artikler ble skrevet.
  • Together with Sami House of Oslo, we had an event on October 10 at the National Library with the title: Sami memory: Radio cinema and archive talk.
  • In the period 19-23. November, employees visited the Sami Parliamentary Committee meetings in Karasjok, Sami University, Sami Archive and Sami Film Institute in Kautokeino, Alta Public Library and representatives from other institutions in Alta and partners and the conference Sacred place names in Sámi in Tromsø.

Bodil Biørn project'
Of the phase two of the project, translation of Biörn's letters from English to Armenian remains. Because of the scope, we will get help from an Armenian translator to do this. On November 11, 2019 we had an event with the National Archives titled: Bodil Biørn and women's invisibility in history and we had a visit by Davit Saroyan from Armenia. A doctoral student at OsloMet from archive studies writes an article in which the Bodil Biørn project is the theme.

Red link project/Women in Red'
9 students from OsloMet participates in the Women in red project. They have worked in 3 groups with 3 different red-link lists. All students and the others involved are invited to a final event with us on December 5, 2019. In 2020, we will start a red-list collaboration with a cultural institution in Oslo.


  • Communication report: The communications report for this period can be read here.
  • International strategy process, Wikimedia 2030-strategy (link to the process progress plan): Executive director continues her involvement in the role of reviewer in this process. The work will last until March 2020.
  • An application for support from the Sami Parliament, Fritt Ord and the NUUG Foundation has been granted
  • Sabine Rønsen has been hired for an engagement for 4 months. She resigns from Wikimedia Norway's nomination committee because of the employment.
  • The homepage, wikimedia.no, has been updated with new pictures and also captions in Northern Sami.
  • An employee attended WikidataCon in Berlin in October 2019.
  • Annual Report to the Wikimedia Foundation can be read here.

Board meeting 27 August 2019

Community and program work

  • Wikigrants: 3 wikigrants were given out for participating in Wikimania.
  • Newsletter: was sent out in August.
  • Wikidata workshop at OsloMet: An employee held a Wikidata workshop for employees and students of OsloMet on June 12th.
  • Oslo Freedom Forum: Employees, intern and volunteers from Finland and Iran participated at the conference in the end of May. In preparation, this page on Meta was set up to track the coverage of speakers in Wikipedia.
  • Oslo Girl Geeks event: 12 June 2019 Wikimedia Norge was invited to speak at Girl Geek Dinners Oslo's event, titled: How to overcome gender biased data and technology. The event was held at Google's office in Aker brygge, with 70 participants. Åsa was one of five speakers, and held a talk about gender imbalance in Wikipedia and how we can work to change it. Minister of research, Iselin Nybø, was present and talked about the challenges of underrepresentation of women in computing and technology.

Sámi project
We are planning several activities and events during the fall coinciding weth the International Year of International Languages and our Sámi project. On 12 June an employee participated in a seminar for all Sámi language centers in Tromsø and held a presentation of our work related to IYIL. During the Márkomeannu festival Wikimedia Norge met employees from the Várdobáiki language center and started a collaboration relating to Sámi place names, see project page. Employees and volunteers participated in the Celtic Knot conference in July, presenting about the Sámi project and IYIL. During July we participated in Márkomeannu with Nordland County Library. In July employees and volunteers also participated in the Riddu Riđđu festival with a booth, holding meetings and taking photographs. Employees, volunteers and the board chair participated in the Wikimania conference in August. We held a total of 4 presentations, and the Sámi project was part of 2 other presentations held by a volunteer. One of the keynote speakers was invited by us, more info in this blog post. Wiki Loves Monuments is starting in a few days, and this year there will be a separate category for Sámi monuments. See the contest page.

Bodil Biørn project'
The second phase of the project is well under way. Bodil Biørn's letters have been digitized by the National Library and National Archives. They have been proofread and shared on Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource. We are working on putting the English translations in place, and after that the Armenian translations. We are planning an event at the National Archives in November with a guest from Wikimedia Armeina.

Red link project/Women in Red
The cooperation with OsloMet and the National Library regarding the red link project / Women in Red is starting with a new set of students of 26 August.
We have met Nettverk for Kvinnehistorie and made an agreement about further cooperation with them.
During Wikimania a Norwegian volunteer held a presentation about gender imbalance in Wikipedia and access to sources.


  • Communications report: The communication report for this period can be read here.
  • International strategy process, Wikimedia 2030: The ED is in the Diversity working group. The work is time-consuming with weekly meetings, and this will continue until the end of 2020.
  • Application for VAT compensation was sent 21 August 2019.
  • A freelancer will be responsible for our courses and events this fall, to ease the amount of work for the regular employees.
  • Our website works well, but we are working on updating the photos on the main page to better reflect our work.
  • The annual report for the Wikimedia Foundation is set to be delivered on 28 September 2019.

Board meeting 23 May 2019

The action plan for this year has been published here.

Community and program work

  • Wikigrants: The deadlines for wikigrants were 15 February and 15 May. 15 May was an extraordinary deadline in order to let people apply for wikigrants for Wikimania.
  • Wikigap: On 7 March we held a WikiGap event in Tromsø, in cooperation with the Swedish Embassy, Hålogaland Theatre and CatCollective, about the gender gap in the cultural sector and on Wikipedia.
  • Wiki meet-up in Tromsø: On 8 March we held a wiki meet-up in Tromsø with a tour of Perspektivet Museum, followed by dinner.
  • Monthly contest: We have sponsored prizes for 2 monthly contests.
  • Intern from OsloMet: In May we had a student intern from OsloMet wha worked on translating a survey, information work and the red link project.
  • Editathon in Trondheim: On 14 May volunteers held an editathon at Trondheim Litteraturhus.
  • Wikipedia Library: On 20 May the 6 accesses we have for Retriever were redistributed, and accesses to bokhylla.no from foreign IP addresses have been disseminated.
  • Red link project: Project page with progress report and action plan can be seen here. The project position at the National Library was finished on 31 March, and we are continuing our collaboration with the National Library in other ways. The elective subject at OsloMet related to the red link project has been evaluated, and is restarting in the fall of 2019. This time also archivist students will take part.
  • Bodil Biørn project: Project page with progress and action plan can be read here. The digitizing part of the project (digitizing letters by Bodil Biørn) has been agreed upon with the National Archive. The work with uploading the letters to Wikimedia Commons/Wikisource and then translated into English will happen during June–August 2019. Wikimedia Armenia has made a photo book with Biørn's pictures. In November we will hold an event at the National Archive where an employee from Wikimedia Armenia has also been invited.
  • Sámi project: Project page with progress and action plan can be read here. We invited several cultural institutions to a meeting at Samisk hus in Oslo in January to talk about digitizing Sámi cultural heritage. In February, employees took part in the Sámi Parliament's language conference in Tromsø. In February we organized a Uralic language contest on Wikipedia. We have been granted funds for the Sámi project from UNESCO Norway and Friit Ord. We are working on preparing this summer's travels and conferences, which will largely focus on our Sámi project. Those are the Celtic Knot language conference in Cornwall (two employees participating), the Márkomeannu festival together with Nordland County Library (two employees participating), the Riddu Riđđu festival (one employee, one freelancer and one volunteer participating) and the Wikimenia conference (all employees participating). For both of the conferences, our employees have submitted proposals for sessions. One employee is also organizing one of the spaces at Wikimania, the language space. We are working on a bigger event in October related to the Sámi project. Wikimedia Finland is also working on Sámi content, and we are coordinating our work with them. Amongst other things, Finnish volunteers have proposed several sessions related to Sámi content at the Wikidata Conference.


  • Communication report: The communications report for this period can be read here.
  • Progress report, July 2018–January 2019: Wikimedia Norge's progress report for the Wikimedia Foundation has been published here
  • General assembly: Wikimedia Norge's general assembly was held on 9 March 2019 in Tromsø. Next year the general assembly will be held in Oslo.
  • Wikimedia Norge's employees: Jorid Martinsen quit on 1 April. Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen started in 1 April in a 30 % position as diversity manager. Åsa has worked for Wikimedia Norge in the past, and we are very happy to have her back. During this period, the office has received two interns from OsloMet.
  • Meeting with Wikimedia Foundation's communications department: In April we were visited by two representatives from the Wikimedia Foundation's communications department, presenting ideas about the Wikimedia brand strategy, and we gave some input.
  • Wikimedia Summit: The ED and the board chair participated in the Wikimedia Summit in Berlin 29–31 April. The ED also participated in a 2-day ED meeting before the conference. The conference theme was the ongoing international strategy work.
  • Financial support from the Wikimedia Foundation July 2019–June 2020: A simplified proposal was submitted on 1 April, and can be read here. We have reduced the number of programs in the proposal from 4 to 3. The program that wes removed was diversity. This is the thematic angle for most of our work, so we felt it incorrect to have it as a separate program.
  • Grants received: In the past 6 months, Wikimedia Norge has gotten grants from the Arts Council Norway, NUUG Foundation, UNESCO Norway and Fritt Ord.
  • EEA grants: We are discussing a cooperation with Wikimedia Portugal related to https://eeagrants.org/ .
  • Vacation time: The office will be closed in June and July because of vacations.

Board meeting 22 January 2019

Community and program work

The action plan for this year has been published her.

  • Collaboration project at The National Library: From January on, Jorid Martinsen will be managing the project, spending three office days a week working for the National Library.

Description of the project can be found here.

  • Student assistants at Oslo Metropolitan University: OsloMet have hired three students in part-time positions to help the institution share more research on Wikipedia. We held an editing introduction course for the students on January 7th.
  • Student intern from Library and Information Science: Our new intern from Library and Information Science started January 7th. He will be working with us for five weeks. His project will be interviewing people who work with diversity on Wikipedia.
  • Further collaboration with The National Library: On December 10th we had a meeting with our National Library contacts to discuss the results of our common projects in 2018, and further plans for collaboration in 2019.
  • The International UN Year of Indigenous Languages: Wikimedia Norge has been approved as a

Civil Society Partner in relation to the UN Year of Indigenous Languages.

  • IIIF-conference: We participated in a IIF conference December 6th, and have also been in touch with The National Wikimedian of Wales to learn more about how to work with IIIF on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.
  • Bodil Biørn: Project page can found here. We are assiting Wikimedia Armenia in the production of a photo book with the pictures from the Bodil Biørn collection. The National Archives of Norway, Professor Inger Marie Okkenhaug and Wikimedia Norge have also written texts for the book. Phase two of the Bodil Biørn project will start in February/March 2019.
  • Women in Red: Project page can be found here. The first semester where students from Library and Information Science at OsloMet could choose to do a Women in Red-project is now finished. The subcject will now be evaluated, and we will get feedbacks on what to improve if the subject is to offered again in the fall of 2019.
  • Northern Sami Wikipedia: Project page can be found here. We are planning an editing contest on Uralic languages in February 2019, related to the IYIL. January 16th we hosted a gathering together with Oslo Sami House for cultural heritage institutions who work on sharing sami
  • Møte med Lokalhistorisk institutt/lokalhistoriewiki.no: 15. januar hadde vi et møte med lokalhistoriewiki.no for å snakke om mulighet for samarbeid om Wikidata, rødlenkeprosjektet og samiske språk.


  • The communication report for December-January can read here
  • Organizational development with Prospera: We have been accepted to Prospera's organizational development program, and are now waiting to see whether they find funding for the project or not.
  • 'New offices: On December 12th we moved to Greenhouse.
  • Jorid Martinsen quits WMNO: Jorid has handled in her resignation, as she will start in new job from April 2019.
  • General Assembly 2019: There has been sent a summon for the General Assembly 2019, which will take place in Tromsø on March 9th.
  • Project funding granted: In December we were granted project funding from The Arts Council Norway, NUUG Foundadation and got a refund for VAT expences.
  • 'Membership fee collection: From 2019 on we are using a new system for collecting membership fees.

Board meeting November 29 2018

Community and program work

The action plan for this year has been published here.

  • Distribution of Retriever accesses: Retriever accesses have been redistributed as of 20 November.
  • Wikigrants: One wikigrant was granted in September 2018.
  • Press accreditations: We have applied for 9 press accreditations.
  • Wiki meet-ups: On 18 October 2018 there was a wiki meet-up at Skatten in Tøyen. The next meet-up will be in Tromsø on 8 March in conjunction with the general assembly.
  • Wikidata workshop: Was held on 10 November at Samisk Hus in Oslo, with 10 participants.
  • wikinobel: Wikinobel was held on 24 October at the Nobel Peace Center together with the Swedish Embassy.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments: Wiki Loves Monuments was as usual held during September, and the winners were announced in the end of October.
  • Courses: We have held courses for one university and one organization during this period.


  • The Sami Parliament, participation in committee meetings, Karasjok, 11–14 September.
  • WikiNEM conference, Stockholm, 5–7 October
  • GLAM-Wiki conference, Tel Aviv, 2–5 November. We presented the Bodil Biørn project together with Wikimedia Armenia.
  • IMAGE AND RESEARCH, Girona, 15th International Conference 22–23 November: We present a paper about the Bodil Biørn project together with the National Archive.


  • Communication report for September–November 2018.
  • Annual report: The annual report was delivered to the Wikimedia Foundation on 5 September 2018. It can be read here.
  • Site visit from the Wikimedia Foundation: On 18–19 September 2018 we had a site visit from 2 representatives from the Wikimedia Foundation and one representative from the FDC. With them we went through what the employees of WMNO are doing, and they met volunteers, partners, the board and the committees of WMNO.
  • Applications: We applied for cultural heritage funds from Arts Council Norway to continue the Bodil Biørn project. The application was accepted on 19 November 2018.
  • New office: On 12 December 2018 Wikimedia Norge are moving from Kolstadgata 1 to Schweigaards gate 34C, Greenhouse.
  • New accounting system: On 1 November 2018 we are switching to the accounting system Visma eaccounting, and our accounting routines need to be updated to match the new system.

Board meeting 3 September 2018

Community and program work

Drone project: The drone were used by 3 community members during the summer. During the winter months it is lent to a Wikimedia organization in Ghana.

Newsletter: was sent out 27 August

Wiki meetup: at The House of Literature September 4. Wikidata workshop is scheduled for November 10.

Wikigrants: Deadline for next round is September 15

Contests: We organized a weekly editing contest about Sami culture. Upcoming contest: Wiki Loves Monuments will happen in September, a writing- and photo contest about culture heritage. Women in Red-project: the contest will happen in December. Northern Sami contest: the contest will happen in January.

Bodil Biørn-projcet: First phase of the project is done, in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia and The National Archives of Norway. The project will be presented at the Glam wiki Conference in Tel Aviv in October 2018 together with Wikimedia Armenia and a paper has been accepted for the Image and Research International Conference in Girona in October 2018. The article is written together with The National Archives of Norway. We are applying for funding from The Arts Council September 4 for the second phase of the project.

Digitalt museum to Wikimedia Commons: We have started a trial project for uploading images from the Vestfold Museum (via Digitalt museum) to Wikimedia Commons. It's based on a script made by Wikimedia Sverige, but has to adapted to Norwegian solutions in order to make it work.

OsloMet: Following up our collaboration with intern students from OsloMet, the university is this fall starting a new collaboration with us and The National Library. A student group will be working on the Women in Red-project.

The National Library: a 50 % position for the Women in Red project will start September 1 and last for 6 months in a collaboration between us and The National Library. User:IdaScott is taking on the position. Work place is The National Library. The Mix’n’match tool is used to match the Bibsys/oria-base on Wikidata and the match the Sami Bibliography on Wikidata. So far about 30,000 items are added.

EU Policy: Our contribution for 2017–2018 is transferred to Wikimedia Deutschland. The copy right reform in the EU is the issue with the most focus. The issue is up for debate again in September.


  • Celtic Knot, conference: one staff member took part an held a presentation.
  • Riddu Riđđu, festival for indigenous people: one staff member and one freelance member of staff took part.
  • Wikimania, conference: all staff members took part. We held two presentations.
  • Márkomeannu, Sami festival: two staff members took part, in a collaboration with The County Library of Nordland.


Annual plan for 2018–2019 is shared here.

Communication report for this time period. Our Facebook and Instagram-accounts give a good summary of our work.

EEA Grants and Norway Grants: We have registered at EEA Grants and Norway Grants and is part of an application with multiple partners as an expert partner. The application was send be an Estonian organization in June 2018.

WikiNem in Stockholm in October: WMSE writes that the chair of Wikimedia Norge has until August 26 to sign up 5 participants from Wikimedia Norge.

Appliacations for funding: Application for tax refund was send September 1. WE have also appllied to other funders for support to Gender Gap and the Northern sami projects. The applications were declined, but the project ideas and outlines will be used in later applications.

International strategy work: The Executive Director is part of the Working group for Diversity one of the working groups for the international strategy work and is committed to use 5 hours a week on this work.

Site visit from Wikimedia Foundation: We will ger a site visit from Wikimedia Foundation in October for 2-3 days for review of financials and meetings with the board, external partners, community members and staff.

Office at Frivillighetshuset: there is discussions about the renting conditions at the Frivillighetshuset and what costs should be covered by the building owner and the organizations that rent offices. The Executive Director has the last year been chair of the board for the Frivillighetshuset and this took up a lot of time during the summer. She will step down as chair at the September 3 2018 board meeting.

Board meeting 3 June 2018

Community and program work

Link to Action Plan for 2017–2018

  • The Bodil Biørn project is soon finished on our part. We presented it at the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin, at Wikimedia Armenia and had a seminar at the National Archives of Norway on the project. We are investigating whether it can be extended with our partners.
  • May: We have had a student from OsloMet with us.
  • We attended a presentation at the National Antiquarian on May 8 (closed event).
  • May 15 there was a wiki event at the House of Literature. The next event will be September 4th.
  • 20. mai access granted to news archive (Retriever)
  • We have supported applications for press accreditation, grants and been a reference for volunteers.
  • On May 23, we held courses for the Norwegian Composer Association, as part of Art & Feminism.
  • 28-30. May we attended the Oslo Freedom Forum. 4 volunteers joined us, including one wikipedian from Sweden/Morocco and one wikipedian from Iran.
  • On May 30, we had an event at the National Archives on Bodil Biørn, which will be covered by Nordic Archive News.
  • We have started a collaboration with Vestfold Museums and will test a script from DigitaltMuseum to Wikimedia Commons.
  • June 14, we will have a wikipedia course at OsloMet.

Inngåtte partnerskap
As of May, we are one of the partners of the organization Whose Knowledge. They are working on "... a global campaign to center the knowledge of marginalized communities (the majority of the world) on the Internet."

In May 2018, we entered into a partnership with NetBlocks. This is what NetBlocks is working towards : "NetBlocks is striving for an open and inclusive digital future for communities around the world." Our partnership was announced during the Oslo Freedom Forum.

Employees and Chairman attended the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin in April. The main theme of the conference was the international strategic direction. WMNO must decide how we can and want to contribute in the design.
In connection with the Bodil Biørn project, the The Executive Director went to Armenia and visited Wikimedia Armenia and the Genocide Museum in Yerevan in May.

Approved conference presentations
For the conference Celtic Knot
For the conference Wikimania, no. 230.

Conference presentations up for review
Glam wiki conference, Tel Aviv. Suggestions submitted with David Sayoran in Wikimedia Armenia

We have contributed to articles in Klassekampen, in Vårt Land, the blog of NRKbeta, Mediamax in Armenia and Dagsnytt 18 at NRK.


Communication report for this period. Our Facebook and Instagram account provides a good summary of our work.
Action Plan for next year has been published here.
The Executive Director has together with the secretary in the board created an overview of the board's tasks and an annual wheel that can structure the work of the board.
Divided between 2 employees, we have had 5 weeks sick leave in April and May. The office will be closed on week 31 and 32, and during most of July the employees are traveling. See the overview in this year's action plan here.


  • On April 1, we applied to the Wikimedia Foundation for support. The Wikimedia Foundation's staff assessment er publisert her. The funding scheme for the Wikimedia Foundation will change from 2020 onwards. We do not yet know how the new scheme will turn out and this represents a great uncertainty for us. In 2019 we will be granted the same amount as we will be granted this year. We will receive an answer in early June.
  • Together with Wikimedia Sweden and Wikimedia Finland, we have sought Nordisk Jämfälhetsfond for support for a diversity project. We will get answers in the beginning of June.
  • We have also applied for grants for the Northern Sami Wikipedia project and for the gender gap event. We will get a response on these two applications in June.

Board meeting 20 February 2018

Community and program work

Safe space policy


  • A full-day course in Wikipedia editing was held at Åsane Community College in January.
  • On February 9 we held a course for 52 participants at the University of Oslo. One volunteer participated in order to learn how WMNO's employee handles these events.
  • On two Fridays in February, one employee and one volunteer have held Wikipedia editing courses for refugees in Gamle Oslo.

Bodil Biørn project
Wikimedia Norge has been granted an application for NOK 100,000 to make an image collection by Bodil Biørn available on Wikimedia Commons. Former intern Sabine Rønsen will transcribe the captions. The Executive Director will be travelling to Armenia in the start of May to meet with Wikimedia Armenia. On May 30th, Wikimedia Norge and the National Archive will invite Wikipedians to a collaboration on the captions. The project is being done in partnership with the National Archive and Wikimedia Armenia. You can read more about the grant here. The project can be followed on Phabricator.

Northern Sami project
A project page has been created on our wiki, and the project can be followed on Phabricator. The project is moving along as planned, and we are working on concretizing plans with partners and set up financing. In December, we participated at the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage's gathering on Sami monuments, and had a meeting with the Sami language center Gáisi Giellaguovddáš. In February we were in Kautokeino and held meetings with the Sami University, the Sami Parliament, the Norwegian National Institution for Human Rights and the Sami Archive.

In addition to an agreement to participate at the festival Márkomeannu together with the Nordland County Library, we have also been granted a space at the Riddu Riđđu festival. Both are happening in July 2018.

We had an intern in the office for 6 weeks at the start of the year. She was working on a Wikidata project: the Sami Bibliography on Wikidata. We are in talks to see how/if we can further develop the internship program. We have told OsloMet that we can receive one student in May/June.


  • Communication measurement for the previous term
  • In January 2018, the employees have rewritten our Annual Plan Grant application from 1 April 2017, on request from WMF employees. The main rewriting work has been on the program section. Our progress report was deliveed to the Wikimedia Foundation on 2 February 2018. Our next APG application has a deadline on 1 April 2018, which means 23 March 2018 because of the Easter holiday.
  • The second payment from the Wikimedia Foundation was received on 14 February.
  • The annual accounting work is finished.
  • We have nominated one member for the Open Government Partnership in Norway.
  • Frivillighetshuset: There are problems with the systems for cooling, heating and ventilation in Kolstadgata 1. This year, the E.D. also holds the position as board chair of Frivillighetshuset, and needs to set aside some time for discussions in the Frivillighetshuset board and the landlord to solve these issues.
  • Se also the employees' annual plans going forward.

Board meeting 28 November 2017

Community and program work

  • 6 accesses to Retriever have been disseminated as part of the Wikipedia Library
  • 4 wikigrants have been approved by WMNO, all connected to diversity work.
  • 5 applications for photo accreditation have been sent and accepted for two volunteer photographers
  • 5 contributors have had travel expenses covered by WMNO
  • Wiki Loves Monuments was held in September 2017: The contest consisted of two parts – a photo contest lasting for one month, and a writing contest lasting for two weeks. The winners of the photo contest were announced at the end of October.
  • "Writing women into history", held during the Science Days on 21 September: Together with Hege Høsøien from the National Library and Merete Røstad from the National Academy of the Arts, we held a panel during the Science Days at the House of Culture in Oslo. There were about 80 attendees and a lot of good feedback and social media buzz. The event was also streamed.
  • Lecture at HIS4050 at UiO, 28 September: The subject "History Dissemination". 19 students participated, and the course is registered in the Education Dashboard.
  • 2–8 October we organized a writing contest in conjunction with the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Wikinobel at the Nobel Center, 6 October: In conjuncion with the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate we also held an editathon at the Nobel Center. We also wrote an opinion piece in Klassekampen about this subject.
  • On 23–29 October we organized a writing contest about publications in conjunction with the Open Access week.
  • Open Access event at UiO, 25 October: Introduction about quality control on Wikipedia during the UiO University Library's Open Access week, followed by an editathon. About 20 attendees, 7 attended the editathon. The Citation Hunt tool was sent to all university librarians afterwards.
  • Wikidata workshop 18 November: We held a workshop on advanced Wikidata tools for established contributors at Tøyen Startup Village. There were 12 participants who were all experienced Wikipedians. The feedback from the workshop was good.

Northern Sami Wikipedia

We have held meetings with the National Library, the National Archive, the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, the festival Márkomeannu and the Nordland County Library, Samisk hus in Oslo and Várdobáiki Sami Center about cooperation relating to the Northern Sami Wikipedia. Our GLAM work in 2018 will to a large degree be connected to Sami cultural heritage.

  • Hjemmesiden vår er blitt oversatt til nordsamisk.
  • A survey aimed at former and current contributors to the Northern Sami Wikipedia has been made, translated into Northern Sami and sent out to contributors.
  • We are working on putting together and international reference group with Wikimedians who are experienced working on small languages and small Wikipedias.
  • The native name of Northern Sami in the MediaWiki software has been changed from "sámegiella" (Sami) to "davvisámegiella" (Northern Sami). (phab:T156589)
  • The MediaWiki extension ArticlePlaceholder has been enabled on the Northern Sami Wikipedia. (phab:T179241; see example)

International work

  • We participated in WikidataCon, a conference for Wikidata contributors, held in Berlin in October.
  • We participated in a 2-day meeting for the Volunteer Supporters Network, held in Berlin in November. VSN is group of employees from various Wikimedia chapters working on supporting volunteers that was started to share experiences across borders.
  • We have participated in a 2-day partnership workshop in Berlin in November. The goal of the workshop was to reach a common understanding about cooperation to affect the work on phase 2 of the Wikimedia movement strategy.
  • Wikimedia Diversity Conference, Stockholm, 3–5 November: Astrid, Jorid and Sabine participated in the conference, that had 80 participants from all oer the world. The theme was diversity in Wikimedia projects when concerning cender, cultural background, language, etc. Before the conference we participated in the planning as well as financially. Sabine held a talk about her interviews with female Wikiedias. Skill sharing session: Resource Alocation. We were responsible for one of the parallell tracks during the conference together ith Afifa Afrin from Wikimedia Bangladesh and Katy Love and Marti Johnson from the Wikimedia Foundation. Afifa Afrin wrote a blog post about the conference on our blog.
  • On 6 November we were visited by three Wikimedians from Ghana who had been to the diversity conference in Stockholm.


  • Communication measurement for the last term.
  • The annual for 2017–2018 has been updated for the next six months.
  • The board and employees have had a strategy workshop facilitated by Frans Grijzenhout, board chair of Wikimedia Nederland.
  • A Letter of Intent has been delivered to the Wikimedia Foundation on 1 November, with the same amount as last year.
  • The application for the Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Grant is to be delivered on 1 April (or 23 March because of the Easter holiday). Two things worth noting: There are more and better APG applications, and after round 1, which was finished on 1 November, the FDC wrote: "Now that the movement is deciding how to implement the new strategic direction, the FDC encourages future applicants to think about aligning their programs with this overall strategy."
  • Our accounts reflect the higher activity with travels and project work, and the number of expense reports have increased by about 30 % from the same time last year.
  • We have participated in several conferences and workshops in the previous term, like the Arts Council's annual conference on 9 November, where the subject was Sami culture, and K-lab's workshops on KulturNav and Transkribus.
  • There have been many travel and conference days during the term: 23 days from 15 September till 28 November.

Board meeting 15 September 2017

Community and program work

  • Bokhylla: Accesses for Bokhylla.no from foreign IPs have been disseminated.
  • Drone project: The project page can be read here. On this page you con see the media that has been uploaded as part of the project.
  • The Europeana 1914–1918 project was finished on July 31st.
  • Cooperation between Armenia and Norway: In June the Armenian winner of the Armenian-Norwegian writing contest visited Norway. During his visit he participated in the Europeana 1914–1918 workshop at the Arts Council, a tour of the National Archives, where we looked at materials from Bodil Biørn who was a midwife, nurse and missionary in Armenia, and went on a tour of the Munch museum with several Wikipedians. The Norwegian winner visited Armenia in July. A blog entry from his travel can be seen here. Wikimedia Armenia and Wikimedia Norge have agreed to cooperate further on writing contests and a possible collaboration on freeing archived material made by Bodil Biørn.
  • During June and July, former intern Sabine Rønsen worked here for her summer job. She was working on several projects related to Wikipedia's gender gap, including work on the Wikimedia Diversity Conference. A summary of interviews she made can be read here.
  • Celtic Knot Conference, Edinburgh: As a beginning of our Northern Sami Wikipedia project, three employees participated in the Celtic Knot conference in Edinburgh in July, where we organized a workshop. The theme of the conference was minority language Wikipedias.
  • Train the trainers, Edinburgh: Sabine Rønsen participated in this course and has agreed to hold three courses this fall on our behalf.
  • Wikimania: Two board members and one employee participated in Wikimania in Montréal in August. Amongst other things, they met with representatives of the FDC, which gave us good feedback on our work.
  • Festival photo, summer 2017: A volunteer contributor has been accredited to take photos at four festivals. This user also got a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation to cover travel costs.
  • The board of Wikimedia Norge has held a survey of political parties regarding Wikipedia and free licenses.
  • Newsletter: The newsletter was sent out on-wiki and by email on 1 September. In the newsletter one can read about activities in the upcoming months:
    • Wiki Loves Monuments 2017: The world's largest photo competition lasts through September, and there is a writing contest held in parallel for two weeks, during week 37 and 38.
    • Wiki meetup: On September 12th there was a wiki meetup about references at the House of Literature in Oslo. Ole Bjørn Rekdal lectured.
    • September 15: This is the deadline to apply for wikigrants from Wikimedia Norge.
    • September 16: Wiki-LAN, an editathon to increase the coverage of and participation from women in Wikipedia, is held at Musikkonservatoriet, Tromsø.
    • September 21: During the Oslo Science Days, Wikimedia Norge organizes the session Writing women into history
    • October 6: During the announcement of who will be this year's Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a group of Wikipedians will be present at the Nobel Peace Center for #wikinobel to cover the prize and the laureate(s) in a good way.

All events we organize or participate in are announced on Wikimedia Norge's Facebook page.


  • We have put a new member system, CiviCRM, in place, and all members have been added to it.
  • Communication measurements for this period can be read here. Wikimedia Norge's communication plan is published here.
  • We have applied for VAT compensation and sent an application to the Arts Council. We have been granted a travel grant from the NUUG Foundation for 16,000 NOK.
  • Wikimedia Foundation have asked us to rewrite our application from 1 April 2017, so that they can get reports in their preferred structure.
  • Wikimedia Norge's annual report for the Wikimedia Foundation is due on September 28.
  • The vice chair and the ED have been working on preparing our 16–17 September strategy summit in Oslo.
  • The employees took their vacation time in July.
  • An employee has had a birth leave for 2 weeks.
  • Two employees have registered for an online Northern Sami course.

Board meeting 6 June 2017

Community and program work

  • We have agreed to hold a lecture at UiO's Historieformidling class the following autumn, and we're in touch with KHiO about continued collaboration
  • We have organized several weekly contests on Wikipedia.
  • Fra May 15 through June 15 the photo competition Wiki Loves Earth will be organized.
  • 6 accesses for Retriever were disseminated for the May–October period.
  • A wiki meetup was organized at Litteraturhuset by volunteers in May; the intern, Executive Director and Community Manager participated.
  • The winner of this winter's writing contest in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia will visit Norway in June. Several activities are planned for this visit, e.g. a guided tour at the National Archive, the 22 July Centre and the Munch Museum.
  • On June 19 we will host a workshop at the Arts Council in collaboration with K-lab, with a guest from Europeana.
  • We're planning an event for the Science Days in September together with one or more partners.
  • The drone project has been started. See the project page.
  • For the first time we've helped import data fram an archive to Wikidata. The archive belongs to VID Specialized University and this list of missionaries has been imported: There is now a total of 827 Norwegian missionaries in Wikidata, of which 95 don't have an ID in MHS, which means there are 732 missionaries with an ID. Most of these don't have a Wikipedia article, but they now have plenty of data in Wikidata.
  • A volunteer was invited to take photos at Oslo Freedom Forum in June, and we're working to make them release their own photos under a free license. The Executive Director also got an invitation and took part in the event.

All events we organize or participate in are announced on our Facebook page.


  • Our application for funds was delivered to the Wikimedia Foundation on April 1, and we received the full amount we applied for. That means that starting 1 July 2017, Wikimedia Norge will have 2.4 full-time employees.
  • An application to UNESCO to organize Wiki Loves Earth was rejected.
  • Travel support from NUUG for Sabine Rønsen to go to a train-the-trainers event and Celtic Knot in Edinburgh was accepted.
  • The money for supporting FKAGEU was paid in June.
  • All employees and the board chair participated in the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin in April.
  • Travels that are planned for the next six months are: Celtic Knot, Edinburgh, July; Wikimania, Montréal, August; hack4no, Hønefoss, October; WikidataCon, Berlin, October; Wikimedia Diversity Conference, Stockholm, November. See the annual plan for links and dates
  • The general assembly and wiki days were held in Trondheim in March.
  • Our office in Frivillighetshuset has been painted.
  • We have signed up for Tøyen Startup Village, which gives us access to nice metting rooms at Tøyen Torg.
  • We have updated our logo to a new version
  • The newsletter was sent out on May 3
  • In the next six months we will work on implementing a simpler membership system and project management system. The former to reduce time spent on administration, and the latter to increase transparency and ways to collaborate with volunteers.
  • Mette Henriksen from HiOA has been interning with us in May.
  • Sabine Rønsen, who interned with us in January/February 2016, has been working with us during the summer.

Because of 3 weeks of sick leave for the ED in March, some work was delayed.

The employees will mostly take their vacation time in July. The office will be closed from July 10 to July 14.

Board meeting 23 February 2017


  • The results of the user survey that was conducted before Christmas have been published on Meta in Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and English.
  • Our website, wikimedia.no, has been translated into Norwegian Nynorsk and English.
  • The translation tool has been installed on our wiki.
  • Our semiannual report has been sent to the Wikimedia Foundation, and can be read here.
  • We have sent an application to Unesco for a project.
  • Newsletters have been sent out via email and on-wiki. Emails have been sent to all members from 2016 with a reminder to pay their membership fees for 2017.
  • The premises for the 2017 general assembly in Trondheim and the wiki meetup on 24th–25th of March have been reserved. The program with registration for those attending has been shared here.

Wikimedia Norge has participated in a workshop about linked data structures organized by the National Archive and NRK. We have participated in a two-day ED gathering about a new Wikimedia Foundation strategy in Lausanne and on a two-day GLAM-wiki meetup at Unesco in Paris.

Community and program work

  • A Wikipedia editing course has been held for Orkla employees.
  • #faktajakt (the Norwegian edition of #1lib1ref) was arranged in January/February with the intern from Osle and Akershus University College. Sabine Rønsen was our intern for five weeks. Read her blog post about #faktajakt here. An article written about us in Bibliotekaren about #faktajakt and reference use on Wikipedia can be read here.
  • Armenia contest: A blog post summarizing the competition can be read here. The jury's feedback on the top 10 contributions were published on their talk pages. The result can be read here.
  • A wiki meetup at the House of Literature was held on the 17th of January. We cover the expenses, but the meetup is organized by volunteer contributors. An employee and the intern participated and awarded the prize for the best contribution in the Armenia contest. The intern summarized the meetup on our blog, which can be read here.
  • Wikigrants: 2 applications have been received, which are under consideration.
  • Accreditation for Norge Bank, the bank manager's annual speech, was set up for a contributor, and the result and the work with identifying the guests can be followed here.
  • By request we have sponsored prizes for two weekly contests, one about sources and one about the Oscars and the World Ski Championships.
  • We have translated the Wiki Education Foundation Dashboard into Norwegian for use in courses. We have tested it with the intern, and will start using it during the next few weeks at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, the University of Oslo and at NTNU.
  • Together with 3 contributors we will organize Wiki Loves Earth from the 1st to the 31st of May.
  • We are participating in the Europeana 1914–1918 challenge, and will arrange a number of activities in collaboration with institutions connected to this epoch.

All events we organize or participate in are announced on Wikimedia Norge's Facebook page.

Board meeting 26 November 2016


  • New homepage is up www.wikimedia.no.
  • Wiki-newsletters is created and you can sign up for those here

User Survey is running from November 16th to December 1st, 2016. It is advertised via sitenotice, email and newsletters.

  • Wikimedia Norway's annual impact report was delivered on September 28th, 2016 and can be read here.
  • Wikimedia Norway's statement on next year's funding application to the Foundation was delivered on November 1st, 2016 and can be read here. We ask to be considered for 2-year support from 2017.

Executive director has taken mandatory safety courses for managers.

  • An HSE handbook has been prepared for the organization.
  • A fire instruction have been prepared for the organization and delivered to sublets and main landlord in Kolstadgata 1.

Wikimedia Norway has participated in Nordic open geodata gathering, # hack4no in Hønefoss and K-Lab's conference "Mulighetenes rom" - erfaringskonferanse.

Frivillighetshuset in Kolstadgata 1 is this autumn under reconstruction. The rebuilding has caused a lot of noise, dust and shutting off water etc., which has led to poor working conditions. This will be followed up by us and other tenants, with the main landlord.

Community and program work

Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 has been completed and prizes sent out. Read more about the contributions and the jury's decision on our blog.

  • This week's contests has been sponsored with prizes from Forskningsrådet, Nobels fredssenter, Riksantikvaren, Nasjonalmuseet and Wikimedia Norge.

This Weeks competition is from November 14th - December 11th on Armenia. A corresponding competition is held in Armenia. A jury of 4 people has been picked. Blog Post about the contest can be read here.

On October 27th Wikimedia Norway arranged a debate at Folkeverkstedet at Deichmanske Library in Oslo together with the organization WIFT and journal Fett.

  • Wikimedia Norway has over a period of time been in dialogue with the UiO, Folkeminnesamling and Norgeshistorie.no. The latter have employed contributor IdaScott as an in-house Wikipedian in an temporary employment.

All events we organize or attend is advertised on Wikimedia Norway's facebook page.

== Board meeting 22 September 2016 ==


  • wikipedia.no: The website has been redesigned by a volunteer. Thanks!

Wiki Mania: Two contributors received a travel stipend by us. The chairman, deputy chairman and one employee also participated. #wikinobel came among the top three in the competition Wikipedia coolest project.

  • New position: The position as Community Manager was announced this summer, and on August 22nd Jon Harald Søby was employed for a 40%-employment. He works from Trondheim.
  • Application for VAT compensation: We applied for 80,000 NOK and will have an answer in November.
  • Website: We are working on making a website that targets those who don't know Wikimedia Norge, with a contact form, membership form and info about us and about how to donate.
  • User survey: We are preparing a user survey to be held in the end of 2016. The survey will target contributors on Wikimedia projects.

We're increasingly being contacted by contributors who need help with borrowing equipment, getting accreditations, recommendations, covering expenses, etc. That makes us happy! This is an important part of our work.

Community and program work

  • Wikigrants: Application deadline 15 September
  • bokhylla.no: 5 accesses have been granted to contributors with foreign IP addresses. See the Wikipedia Library.
  • Access to Retriever (Atekst): 6 contributors have had free acces from 15 August till 15 September. We're working on getting a lasting agreement. See the Wikipedia Library.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments September 2016: We're organizing both a photo contest and a writing contest.
  • Cooperation with Wikimedia Armenia: In November there will be a four-week contest in cooperation with Wikimedia Armenia.
  • Wikipedia-undervisning på UiO: The collaboration with UiO continues with Wikipedia-lectures for masterstudents each semester
  • #wikinobel: This year explainer videos were also made by the SimpleShow Foundation. See [1].

Info on all events are shared on Wikimedia Norge's facebook-page